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DAVID COOK, Intermediate Robot Building, Apress 2004, pp. 442, 34.99 USD

Secondo volume dall'autore del sito Robot-Room. Una quantità infinita di consigli e trucchetti, oltre a un robot completo (Roundabout). Con schemi e layout per il montaggio.

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ROGER ARRICK, Robot Building for Dummies, Wiley Publishing 2003, pp. 359, 21.99 USD

Come costruire un robot controllato dal BS2. Software per comandare i servo, leggere la luce e la temperatura, controllare una telecamera (pan/tilt) e sensori di vario tipo.

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GORDON McCOMB, The Robot Builder's Bonanza, McGraw-Hill 20012, pp. 753, 24.95 USD

Veramente una gran quantità di consigli, schemi, idee, progetti... 

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KARL WILLIAMS, Insectronics. Build your own walking robot, McGraw-Hill 2003, pp.273, 19.95 USD

Come costruire un robot a 6 zampe con sensore IR e sensore ultrasuoni. Software per PIC16F84.


Welcome to the leaner, cleaner, BEAM From the Ground Up! This site is designed to be a useful collection of material for BEAM roboticists of all experience levels and abilities. The unifying focus here is on learning -- so this is the place to look for tutorials and self-guided educational material related to BEAMbots.

De Agostini presenta I-Droid 01, il primo androide basato sugli schemi dell'intelligenza neurale

La Robot Italy e' impegnata nella distribuzione di componenti elettronici e meccanici per il mondo della Robotica sperimentale, didattica, hobbystica e scientifica.

ROBOT ROOMFrom the author of Robot Building for Beginners, a beginners guide to robotics. This contains tricks, tips, and advice to get you started creating your own robots from scratch.

The members of the DPRG have a wide range of interests and technical expertise. The best way to share what you've learned from your latest robot is to write an article about it. And a good way to learn from other DPRG members is to read their articles. Whether a review of a new tool or a first-hand account of a challenging robot construction project, these articles are packed with useful information

  • EXCELLENT documentation
  • Longevity - 10 years making robot kits!
  • No programming needed
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We sponsor the free community server is a BEAM robotics community server, hosted (server hardware and bandwidth) in a hands-off sort of way by Solarbotics, Ltd.

Active Robots - Supporting Educational Resource Requirements and Amateur Robotics Enthusiasts

High-Quality Robotics kits, Robot Controllers & Hobby Electronics. 
Well this is Definitely the Most asked for Information.....
"How Do I Make A Walker????"
"What's Reconn's World?" you ask? Well, Reconn's World is my website all about robotics, and electronics (my two hobbies which I spend most of my time on.)
Simply stated, we make robotics easier. 


BEAM Robotics

BEAM robotics is a new field of robotics. It uses minimalist electronics to create elegant mechanical creatures that parallel their natural counterparts in many ways.

  Robotics, Control & Electronics Technology

Lynxmotion, It's not what the kit makes, but what you make out of the kit!
Create Robots That Do What You Want!

Discover Circuits, with its 23,000+  electronic circuits or electronic schematics cross-referenced into 500+ categories,
is a vital resource for engineers, hobbyists, inventors & consultantsThe site's collection of links will help you find
quick solutions for electronic design problems.  Bad links are removed and new circuits or schematics are added frequently. 

ARTEK - Electronic Solutions

Il sito web della famosa rivista. Si possono acquistare online componenti elettronici e kit.

CircuitMaker 2000 is your Virtual Electronics Lab, allowing you to design, simulate and output your printed circuit board designs.

The ExpressPCB layout software for Windows makes designing PC boards simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional.

ANALOG & MIXED SIGNAL ICs FROM DC TO GHz: Fiber, Wireless, Power, Audio, Video, Microcontroller, Timing, Sensors, and Communications is free an online datasheet source for electronic components and semiconductors

  Sito realizzato da Dario Di Maio

Model Railroad & Misc. Electronics

   Welcome to the Electronics Club



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